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ERP Software

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is software that helps companies and business units collect, store, manage, and decipher data. The first aim of ERP software is to streamline the entire process and information around a business

Featurewise, the ERP software can unburden you in the following aspects

Centralized database usage for data management and storage

Coordinating and integrating processes within a single business

Generates a modular approach for your business

Works with real-time data collection and analytics.

Aids in the automation of the business

Improves and aims scalability

Offers different kinds of customization processes.

Security and mobile access are also made possible through its use

Different ERP software is available in the market. These are often not enough for the business niche they claim to target. It is due to the fact that every business niche will have different business outlets and dealers. Each business dealer would deal with the same business differently, and thus a market variation of the same business exists even within a small locality. Different ways of dealing with the same business can scatter the business requirements, and a single cold ERP solution is often not the answer to such variation levels. Again, products enter outlets through certain channels and get sold through other channels. There is a stark, visible variation within the same business in the way the business is dealt with by different businessmen across the market.  Hence, cold ERP software solutions are not the right kinds of solutions to fit every business requirement and thereby fail to meet every business need. One cannot automate and solve all the business needs and only 80%-90% of the issues might get mitigated through them. If you are questioning your needs right now, we would claim you need a customized ERP solution. Our ERP software will offer you a customized solution. In this way, it will be capable of mitigating more than what these cold ERP tools available in the market can do for your business. It is applicable to small and medium-scale businesses where the business variations are usually greater.

As a business unit support system, our organization has a strong foothold in understanding the ways a company works. We are aware of what a company, a wholesaler, or even a medium-sized business needs. Others, on the other hand, simply have technical expertise.  Many times, a business owner would not know the best ways his business could operate and function. But companies with technical expertise would advise them only on aspects that would benefit the interests of these companies rather than the clients they assist. But our company can work to provide a wholesome guide towards creating a better business in terms of not just their technical but also fulfilling their marketing requirements. The way a business operates and functions is something we can easily guide our clients in, thereby driving their business in the right direction.

We are proficiently catering to all kinds of ERP software needs in the market to keep up with our vision to expand and enhance the needs of our customers. Our knowledge comes from working with multiple vendors and wholesalers in the past few years. This experience has given us the opportunity to understand that every service of ERP software does not need to be newly developed every time a business asks for it. Thus, we have already pre-coded certain services and parts covered within the ERP software. When a client approaches us about creating ERP software, we will first examine and analyze their ERP software needs. If we see that the already pre-coded services available with us can fit well for their needs, we will go ahead and offer the same to our clients. We can hence comfortably provide them with a reasonable quotation for the otherwise exorbitantly priced ERP software by offering to embed our already-coded services. Usually, most of our clients agree to go with our pre-coded services and do not have to pay upfront for the creation of all of these services. This process, in turn, considerably reduces the cost of the ERP software for our clients, if they choose us. We will merge these codes with the client’s externally procured codes or create the ones you need newly, and you can have them at an extremely affordable pricing option. With our ERP software—anyone starting from a trader, dealer, or purveyor—you will have enhanced performance capabilities.

Custom Software Solutions

We are professionals in providing you with affordable solutions for all your business needs. We work via the customized solution model, wherein we attend to the needs of our customers by offering them what they require. Coding of IoT-based apps, ERP software customized as per the needs of our clients, and so much more. A few focused activities that can change the way business is done by small-scale industries and retailers and wholesalers are available with us.

Focus on the scalability of businesses

Our primary focus is to help scale the businesses our clients bring to us. We are adept at bringing all the required solutions and ideas to help them grow in the direction they have always wished for their business

Testing and securing websites

We can secure your site and system and help test them to ensure their smooth operations. In this way, we ensure our clients are not having any compensatory issues that contribute to ruining businesses

Reporting, QA, QC, and maintenance of sites

We would use our in-house software packages plus other essential software to regularly maintain and upgrade your site and business as per your needs.

Integration of business analytics

Our business analytical capabilities can altogether change the understanding of your business. We work towards identifying your key customers and also towards providing you with the right tools to garner the right attention within a market

Software development

We develop all kinds of software for our clients. SaaS-based, Android, iOS, and ecommerce software development are our specialties

Internet of Things (IoT)

With the help of its integration with our ERP software, our clients can enjoy easy data collection options, accurate monitoring of their supply chain facilities, and a chance to accurately predict the future of their business through predictive analysis technologies.

Node JS

Handling asynchronous I/O operations is an advantage of using Node.js. Through its right use, real-time data updates, real-time processing, and increased scaling opportunities become possible.

Artificial intelligence integration

Our software can contribute to the use of AI to analyze data, predict data, and much more

Natural language processing integrations

Our clients can interact with machines using the natural language scheme.

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